Ministerial Search Committee
Debbie Alsebai came to First Parish
over 10 years ago in search of a
Religious Education program for her
two daughters that would teach to
her mixed faith background of Catholic,
Protestant, Jewish and Muslim.
Originally from Ohio, Deb has lived
in Milton over 20 years. She discovered
the UU faith after college and has visited many churches throughout the USA. She has fun being a kids cooking teacher and theater ticket arranger. Her daughters are now teens and are very active in the youth group. Debbie has been on YAC for many years and often teaches RE classes. She is interested in Social Action activities and has led the youth on many social action ventures. Debbie serves as the Arranger and Survey Coordinator for MSC.
Charlie Franich is the Committee’s chair.
After growing up Catholic in California
and for a time studying for the Catholic
priesthood, he migrated east, where he
had a 40-year career as a social worker
and family therapist before retiring in
2013. Married with two grown children
and a member of First Parish for 27 years,
Charlie has chaired the Worship, Membership and Finance Committees and has twice served on the Parish Committee. He is particularly dedicated to growing our congregation and helping it achieve a firmer financial footing.
Franc Graham, an artist, musician and
editor, was drawn to First Parish five
years ago, finding a connection to its
spirited, progressive congregation.
The choir welcomed her joyfully and
she soon found a strong community.
Franc came to Boston for school 20
some years ago from rural
Pennsylvania. She is married with an eight-year old son who enjoys the fun and community of the RE program – maybe not yet realizing its life-long gifts. She serves as the Congregational Packet editor for the Committee.
Elise Henricks joined First Parish in
search of a place to do social justice
work while being in community with
others. She has raised two teen sons
here from Spirit Play to Coming of Age,
and attends church with her husband.
She works as a family physician at a
community health center in nearby
Dorchester, and has been on the Social Action and Worship Committees. She loves to think “outside the box” about church and is serving as the MSC's treasurer.
Jim May came to First Parish over
20 years ago on the pretext that
he and his wife needed an open
minded, socially conscious
community in which they could
raise their two children responsibly.
It has become increasingly clear,
especially since the children are
no longer at home, that he needed the community for himself as well. He was born and raised in Alabama, a Southern Baptist, and thought for a time that he had been called to the Gospel Ministry. It’s possible that he was right, but that he misunderstood what it meant. He has served on most committees, spent six years as Treasurer, and three as chair or co-chair of the Finance Committee. Jim is Director of Development at a non-profit that helps homeless and at-risk survivors of domestic violence and related trauma achieve greater safety and stability. He was responsible for the Congressional Record on the MSC.
Brigitte Miller, the MSC's secretary,
originally hails from Quebec. She has
lived in Milton for eight years and is
married with three pre-teen children.
She has been a member of First Parish
for six years, has acted as a Greeter
and been active in RE on on the RE
Committee for four years. She works
in biotech with oncology drugs, and is passionate about better connecting First Parish to the greater community that it serves.
Tracey Robinson joined the First
Parish community when she and her
family moved to Milton over 17
years ago. Raised in a liberal,
Presbyterian church outside
Philadelphia, First Parish felt both
new and familiar. Here she found
a community of friends who are
willing to speak their minds, who do not always agree, but who strive to listen to each other and who, in their hearts, minds, and souls share a deep interest in social action, strong community and a desire to live our faith - even as we seek to figure out what “living our faith” means. Tracey brings her experience on the Parish Committee and the Personnel Committee to serving on the Negotiating Team of the MSC. In her “day job” Tracey manages technology for the Harvard University Library in Cambridge.